ICan Secondary and High School is a private international school catering to teenagers aged 11 to 18 and is currently undergoing a licensing process

  • ICan is committed to providing an exceptional, broad-spectrum, and versatile education, aimed at fostering confident and effective personal development within an ever-evolving, multicultural global context.
  • ICan School aims to facilitate a smooth integration into the linguistic and cultural milieu of Cyprus, helping students to forge friendships and meaningful connections with peers and mentors. It encourages students to make autonomous decisions, to approach choices thoughtfully, and to assume responsibility for their actions.
  • Education is in English

    ICan Secondary and High School will adhere to the Cambridge educational framework, delivering courses in English. Greek language lessons will be mandatory and Russian lessons will be a part of the extra program.

  • New opportunities

    ICan School will unlock international possibilities for its students.


Secondary school
11-12Year 7
12-13Year 8
13-14Year 9
14-15Year 10
15-16Year 11
High school
16-17Year 12
17-18Year 13

Mandatory subjectsin Secondary School

For students up to 14 years of age
  • English Language
  • Greek Language
  • Mathematics
  • Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  • Global Perspectives (Social Sciences)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computer literacy
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art
For students aged 14 to 16 years old
  • English + Writing Skills
  • Greek Language
  • Russian language
  • Mathematics
  • Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art
Subjects to choose
  • History or ICT
  • Economics or Business Studies
  • Global Perspectives
Why Global Perspectives?
  • To understand the global context of local issues
    To collect and analyse information effectively
    To recognise interconnections
    To reflect on and devise potential solutions
Why English writing?
  • To articulate and defend ideas clearly in writing
    To craft various texts tailored to specific purposes
    To prepare for essay writing for university admissions and resume composition

Secondary school ends with IGCSE exams (analogous to “OGE” in Russia) in 2 subjects chosen by the student at the beginning of this level + core subjects

  • Mandatory Exam Subjects
  • English + Writing Skills
  • Mathematics
  • Science (Chemistry + Physics + Biology)
  • Exam Subjects to choose
  • History or ICT
  • Economics or Business Studies

In the near future, ICan School will equip graduates with Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications, recognised by universities worldwide (approximately 140 countries).


The extracurricular programme for secondary and high school students encompasses

  • ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • Chess
  • Football & Basketball
  • Information Technology (Robotics)
  • Fitness and Wellbeing
  • Russian Language and culture
  • Projects
  • Homework Club
  • ICan Extra extends beyond the confines of the school premises, engaging with real-world challenges and social needs, promoting the development and social integration of students
  • Extra curriculum develops cognitive, creative, and physical abilities that will help find the best path for achieving happiness, influence and meeting the demand in modern society
Learn more about Extra