ICan KidsSchool Building

At ICan Kids, we have established a venue where your child can learn in a secure and inspiring setting

This two-storey building, bathed in natural light and set within its own grounds, has been meticulously planned in every detail, exuding light, warmth, and comfort. From communal rooms to creative studio areas, each aspect of the space is tailored for the comfort and growth of the children.
Adhering to the principles of Reggio pedagogy, we place special emphasis on the aesthetics of our surroundings, recognising their significance in child development. The ICan Kids team has developed a distinctive kindergarten concept, turning it into a realm where every young explorer can find themselves.
The educational space is a fundamental component of the learning environment. Hence, ICan Kids is committed to creating an attractive, enriching, and safe setting.
In selecting materials, we adhered to the following principles:
  1. 1.We avoided overly saturated colours.
  2. 2.We partner exclusively with certified brands of children's products, ensuring safety.
  3. 3.Quality and eco-friendliness - the primary material is high-quality wood, either painted in gentle colours or left natural.
  4. 4.The educational space is designed to be enriching yet not overwhelming, enabling the child to focus on their interests.
Classrooms and auditoriums are equipped with eco-friendly wooden furniture suitable for various age groups.
Child safety is our top priority. Therefore, the kindergarten's territory is equipped with a video surveillance system. Additionally, an access control and security alarm system is installed.
Studio Room
Studios for light and shadow, mathematics, and more. These are spaces crafted for creation and exploration of new and fascinating topics.
Speech Therapist’s Office
This office is set up for individual or pair sessions and activities. A corrective developmental environment with a favourable psychological climate is fostered to assist children in correcting or mitigating existing speech disorders.
The office includes the following areas:
  • Speech therapy table for articulation sessions, sound pronunciation correction area
  • Speech breathing development area
  • Fine motor skills area
  • Informational and methodological corner
  • Work area for individual or pair sessions
Library — a treasure trove of knowledge and stories
The library houses interesting and engaging children’s books in English, Russian, and Greek, organised on accessible shelves, always within the children’s reach.
Green yard
A cosy corner with soft grass where stone and architecture studios, art and craft studios, and other activities take place, including real picnics!